2022年考研英语做文问题下场展看 参考范文两篇

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2022年考研英语做文问题下场展看 参考范文两篇王莹2021-11-10 14:40:04考研英语做文审核考去世的书里表白才气,总分30分,正在考研英语科目中做文是比力尾要的,上里给小大家浑算了202 。

2022年考研英语做文问题下场展看 参考范文两篇

王莹2021-11-10 14:40:04


2022年考研英语做文问题下场展看 参考范文两篇



In the past,people tend to keep on the rail. No matter who doesn’t follow the rules, hewould be criticized by the public opinion. Nowadays, with the rapid developmentof our society, more and more people recognize the importance of creation. The developmentof our country, our society even ourselves need creation.

First of all,creation is the most important factor to improve the ability of our country. Somepeople think that the essence of the human civilization is the result ofcreation. It is certain that in order to stand a good place in theinternational circle, our country has to train the creative people, so thatthey can make great breakthrough for our mother.

All in all, as allof us know that how much importance creation for us. We have to learn as muchas possible knowledge to prepare ourselves to be creative people. In otherwords, we have to study well to serve our county.


On Dedication

The word dedication naturally reminds me of the speech delivered by Winston Churchill in 1940 during the Second World War, in which he said: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. 

Nowadays, it seems that the real war is gradually moving away from us in this relatively peaceful world, but there is another war waiting for us. That is the war fighting against the Covid-19 which abruptly broke out in the beginning of the year 2020.

 In this smokeless war, a great number of medical staffs and volunteers illustrate the meaning of the word dedication with their determined actions.


一、Thank you very much for…

二、年考I would like to apply the vacancy of…

三、研英语I am writing this 文问文两letter to submit my application for…

四、In reply to your advertisement in …,题下 I beg to apply for the post of … in your company.

五、I am writing to apply for the position that you have advertised in…

六、场展I am writing this 看参考范letter to thank you for …

七、I am writing to express my sincere thanks for …

八、年考I feel greatly indebted to you for …

九、研英语I really do not know how to express my gratitude for your help.

十、文问文两I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for…

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